About Donna

I’m a mother who intimately understands the challenges of loving a child in active addiction. My heart was shattered, grappling with the desperate need to save my son. I was full of fear, I felt helpless, and hopeless, I learned a profound lesson: love alone couldn't guide my son to recovery. My poignant journey unveils the struggles, resilience, and ultimately the transformative wisdom I gained through navigating the complexities of addiction in my family.

Today I am the Author of "Healing Without Shame Journal", "Just for Today", "Peeling The Onion" and "Sharing Without Shame".  I'm a Certified Recovery Support Worker, a Energy Healing Practitioner and a Shambala Reiki Master.  

I worked through my pain and gradually stopped participating in the drama of my son’s addiction. I embarked upon a journey of healing and transforming myself utilizing Energy Healing Techniques.  When I was able to move forward with my personal self-care, I also began educating myself about addiction, healing boundaries, unhealthy helping and recovery. It was a long, lonely journey with ups and downs, when people found out I had a child in active addiction, it was like I had cooties - my phone stopped ringing for social events and and the silence became very loud.

It took me years to heal my broken heart, and when I did, I found my voice and my passion for helping parents navigate their new normal - dealing with an addicted child(ren). 

  • Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist

    Certified Recovery Support Worker (C.R.S.W.)

    Certified CPI Instructor (Crisis Prevention Intervention)

    Energy Healing Practitioner

    Shamballa Reiki Master

    Former Member of N.H. Governor's Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse - Recovery Task Force

    Nominee for the 2012 Consumer/Peer Leadership Voice Award sponsored by SAMHSA

    Nurturing Parents - Families in Substance Abuse, Treatment & Recovery Facilitator

    Parenting Journey in Recovery & Parenting Journey II  Facilitator

  • Founder of Families & Parents Sharing Without Shame

    Harm Reduction Trainer

    Intuitive Energy Healer

    Mental Health First Aide Facilitator

    NAMI™ Trained Parent/Family Support Facilitator

    N.H. State Advocate

    2015 "Recovery Provider of The Year" N.H. Providers Association

    Podcast Host

    Public Speaker 

    Published Author

    Recovery Coach

    Diplomas: Angel Healing Therapy, Aura & Chakra Healing, Inner Child Healing & Intuitive Healing

  • Click here to book your FREE 15 minute Discovery call with Donna and find out how she can help you & your loved one.

    Book a Call with Donna 
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